Saturday, December 3, 2011

Looking forward to 2012

The 2012 Johnny's Seed catalog came the other day man it felt like xmas morning! I heard myself saying is that what I think it is? Oh man I love all the growing and the planting and the harvesting and of course the eating but what I think I love the most is the planning and probably what I am best at (I hope). So here I sit going over the catalog page by page making both mental and physical notes the plans, hopes, and dreams forming for next year. I love how there is always something new that people much smarter than me come up with new strains new products and new ideas it really makes the future and all its possibilities seem virtually endless.
I am still struggling with the whole problem of we are too small to be considered real farmers but I am trying to shake it off and say hey this is what I got this is what I have and this is what I plan to do. I know we can produce a heck of a lot of food with a 1/4 acre of land under intense production and we have plenty to feed ourselves our extended family and couple of markets and maybe even some cool things for my brothers restaurant that he cant normally get or better yet thinking of asking for. But there is always the voice inside my head that says its not big enough or not good enough you have no land you have no animals you don't make your own cheese (well not yet I will figure that out one day) you don't even have a cow.
Looking forward to both the NOFA-MA and NOFA-NY conferences this year Tommy is even going to the NOFA-NY one with me in nearby Saratoga to learn about the things I have no idea about how to preserve the harvest which we really need to do because we had a ton of loss this year because we just didn't know what to do with it all! Cant wait to learn about how to make the most of my small high tunnel, the most of my small 2 acres in the most beautiful spot in the western world (in my humble opinion), and to learn things I did not even know I needed to learn. The best kind of learning in my mind if you ask.
So here's to 2012 with all its unfinished hopes and dreams and the prayer that I find the energy with working a full time job elsewhere to making it work and to making it happen.

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